
Whether you have a new business that is starting out or you are opening a new location, grand openings can be very important as they can generate the interest that you need in order to make your company a successful one. If you plan the perfect grand opening, then you might get a nice handful of new client and customers as a result. Let Just Right Catering cater this special event.

As you plan the opening, be sure to generate publicity for it. Take to social media to let the community know when the grand opening is and encourage everyone to spread the word. Let everyone know how they can stand to benefit when they attend your grand opening. Offering refreshments, holding a raffle or a giveaway, and handing out coupons are just a few ways that you can get people through the door.

Before you open the doors, make sure that everything is running smoothly within your business. You will want to make a great first impression on your customers. If people are not impressed with what you have to offer, then they might not feel motivated to come back. Make sure that you and your staff members are prepared for the opening. Everyone should know what their roles are for that day. On the day of, don’t forget to remind people to check out your grand opening. Put up a sign or some balloons outside your location so that people will know that something fun is going on.

Remember to engage your customers. You can even offer a short tour of the facilities. Offering samples of your product as well as demonstrations are good ideas as well. While a grand opening is sort of like a party, remember that the theme of this party is your business.

At the same time, remember to let your guests breathe. While it is great to let them know more about your business and the services and products you have to offer, allow people to enjoy themselves. Offering up food and drinks is a great way to liven up the mood.

Our team at Just Right Catering can provide you with the perfect combination of food for your grand opening. With a wide variety of appetizers and platters, we will help you make grand opening a success. You can choose from our Mediterranean dip platters, fresh vegetables and dip, Italian antipasti, cheese platters, baked cookies, seasonal fruits and berries, assorted pastries, cupcakes, and much more. We also offer a wide range of both hot and chilled hors d’oeuvres that include tuna tartare, cheese and tomato spears, bruschetta toasts, skewered Scandinavian meatballs, and stuffed mushrooms. Visit our website for a full range of menus.

You can also send your customers home with free goodies like pens or stickers that have the name of your business on them. Whether or not you set up a raffle, be sure to ask your customers for their names and e-mail addresses. If they like what they see, then you can send them updates about your business as well as coupons and other opportunities that they might want to take advantage of.

If you keep these things in mind, then your grand opening can be a huge success. Even if the opening does go well, do not get discouraged if business isn’t booming right away. Getting your company started off on the right foot can be a slow-going process, but if you keep at it, it will be worth it. It’s also important to remember your employees that have helped make the opening a success and keep them in mind for employee appreciation day.